Mobile: 09810021560

Cabicon box and lorry services pvt ltd listed in NSIC .

The Cabicon  Group is a developing leader in Container Business. We are equipped with the most modern, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility for all types of container with various application – Marine Freight, Steel custom built, Insulated, Mobile and Tank Containers, Shelters for Genset, Radio and Hi-tech engineering products.


ISO Steel Dry Containers comprising the Standards and Open Tops

Custom Built Containers for specialised end applications

Shelters for Customised Applications

Insulated Containers

Tank Containers

Expandable Mobile Containers

Hi-Tech Engineering Products

Referigerated Containers


Our Mission

To be the first choice for each of our valued customer by providing customized solution to their endless needs in this competitive world.  And ensure customer satisfaction by providing quality products that cater to the specific needs.

Our Vision

To attract, serve and retain our clients by being the leading players in all the sectors of logistics industry .  We understand our customers need fast, efficient and cost-effective solutions. And we deliver these constantly and consistently.

Our Values and Policy

·         Safety and Health

  • Cabicon’s top priority is to ensure the safety of all personnel.
  • Comprehensive safety assessment and hazard analysis are key features of our Safety programs.

·         Quality Control

  • A well developed Quality Control and Quality assurance program ensure our products and services exceed customer requirements for sustainability and reliability.

·         Risk Management

  • Projects are completed on time, and within budget.

Technical, Schedule, and Costs risks are identified and mitigated before any fielding begins.